1: Mass Timber is Great, but It Will Not Solve the Housing Shortage . Brian Potter’s response to my note about mass timber (!)

2: The Constitutional Case Against Exclusionary Zoning by Joshua Braver, Ilya Somin :: SSRN. See Housing Affordability ; I don’t remember Rothstein discussing the Takings Clause in The Color of Law

3: My binary vector search is better than your FP32 vectors. I already thought it was wild that vectors of floating points could store so much semantic information. But apparently turning those into binary vectors still captures ~80% of the semantic information??

4: Godterest | The #1 Dating App Built on Biblical Principles. Launching soon. As Tyler Cowen might say, model this?

5: On Salt:

6: Surprised by the Hot Hand Fallacy? A Truth in the Law of Small Numbers. Math is pretty cool; a couple years ago this pair proved that “hot hand” is kind of real, actually. Wait what?

7: Obsidian Sync now starts at $4 per month with the new Standard plan - Obsidian. Small team reduces price by 50%. With more and more AI tools, I think teams can stay small for longer. Will this create more consumer surplus?

8: US v Apple. I think antitrust complaints are often written with non-experts in mind, but this one is especially readable. I wonder why?

9: Audos - Co PIlot for Entrepreneurs and podcast interview with the founder. To what extent does friction hold back would-be entrepreneurs?

10: Notaku - Create your company essential websites with Notion. I’m notice I’m often surprised at how big certain niche markets can be.

11: John Lasseter - Wikipedia. I don’t think this was in Ed Catmull’s book. Imagine being the Disney exec who fired John Lasseter??

12: Jasmin Paris is first woman to complete the Barkley Marathons - Wikipedia. I enjoyed The Race That Eats Its Young

13: The 01 Project. I think someone will figure out the AI-hardware combination. But it’s hard to imagine the likes of Apple/Microsoft/Google aren’t trying to just make this native in their products?

14: Golgotha - Album by Poor Bishop Hooper for Good Friday.

Disclaimer: Something something sharing a link is a recommendation but not necessarily an endorsement or a sign of agreement something something.