It took me 5 attempts to run a sub 3 hour marathon to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I wrote up some thoughts about each race to try to think through what went right and wrong to help with future training. 


Mid-20’s M. Mediocre HS runner (800m ~2:05, 1600 in 4:40s, 5K <17:30). Ran for fun during college but not on a team. First marathon in 2019. Picked up the miles during COVID and ran 4 marathons in 2022 & 2023. 


  1. Spring 2019 - 3:02 high - Looking back, I made plenty of rookie mistakes during my homegrown training plan, which was basically one long run and two tempo sessions per week. This approach was inefficient and lacked a solid base. I peaked at around 50 miles for 2 weeks but most of the time was under 40 miles. I trained on the hilly course and the weather was perfect during the race. Predictably, I started way too fast, completing the first half in just over 1:26. I hit the wall at mile 21 and barely managed the last two miles at around 8 minutes each.

  2. Spring 2022 - 3:08 high - My training improved significantly, building a base of over 30 miles per week for eight months. For the last couple of months, I followed JD’s 18-week 2Q plan (40mpw version) and peaked at about 45 miles per week. Aiming for a sub-2:55 finish, I completed a tune-up half marathon in 1:23:30 two weeks before the marathon, which in hindsight was a mistake. On race day, challenging weather conditions (cold, sleet, crosswinds, and sun) and unexpected “rolling” hills made the course tougher than expected. I started with another marathoner targeting a 2:53 to 2:55 finish and reached the halfway point at 1:26 flat, which was probably (definitely) too fast. Mentally, I struggled with the idea of a second lap. I started slowing at mile 19, lost the 3-hour pace during mile 20, and completely bonked at mile 24. Walked it in with cramps and muscle spasms, but I felt like I gave it my all.

  3. Spring 2022 - 3:07 - Four weeks after my second marathon, I decided to try again, thinking the last one was kind of a 21-mile marathon-pace workout followed by a 5-mile easy jog (nope). I recovered for a couple of weeks, did some stretching, and repeated the last two weeks of workouts. The course was way easier, and I didn’t have to travel. Although the weather was tolerable, it became warmer than desired, reaching 60°F. Running with a good group, I finished the first half just over 1:30. I increased my pace slightly for the next six miles but couldn’t maintain it after mile 23. In hindsight, this whole idea was unwise. While I’m glad I attempted it, the chances of success were slim. Fortunately no injuries.

  4. November 2022 - 3:11 low - getting slower?? I planned to run the NYC Marathon for fun with a family member, but they got injured in September, so I decided to attempt another sub-3-hour finish. I felt great after completing JD’s 10K plan and added light weightlifting twice a week over the summer. I ran a half at 1:22:20 comfortably 6 weeks out, then switched to the 18/55 2Q workouts for the rest of the block. My training pace and tune-up suggested a 2:53 finish, but I aimed for a conservative 1:28:30 first half due to the challenging NYC course. Also, I splurged on Endorphin Pro 2’s for the race and trained this block in nylon-plated Speed 2’s. On race day, the hot and humid weather prompted me to adjust my plan, aiming for a 1:30 first half. After exiting the Verrazano Bridge, wow the sun was intense, and I felt uneasy already. Despite the heat, the crowd was amazing, and the race was exciting. I completed the first half on target, but slowed down around mile 15 and struggled from mile 21 onwards, finishing with a walk-hobble-jog. My finishing place would’ve been around 2:58 in 2019, so I felt good about my effort. The experience taught me that I can’t control the weather. I’m so glad I got to run this race, though!

  5. March 2023 - 2:56 high - Finally! After taking a full month off, I picked an easier course and then followed JD’s 18/55 plan for 15 weeks, with more miles and faster paces. I peaked at 60 miles per week for four weeks, with my highest 7-day total reaching about 80 miles due to the timing of long runs. I maintained my light weightlifting program twice a week and paid more attention to nutrition, ensuring I ate enough to maintain my weight. One of my favorite workouts was 15 miles with 3x2 miles at under 6:00/mi and one mile under 5:50. I was hitting paces from 10K training last summer. During this training block, I avoided major injuries or illnesses and only had to deal with a bit of travel. On race day, the weather was chilly but so preferable to heat. I planned to run a conservative first half at 1:28:30 and maintain a 6:45/mi pace until mile 20, even though my marathon pace during training was 6:15-6:25/mi. The race went according to plan, and I felt more comfortable than in any previous marathon. My heart rate stayed in Zone 3 until mile 15. I increased my effort with about five miles to go, but the wind prevented me from making up much time. Crossing the finish line, I mostly felt relieved and grateful to be there. I finally knew sub-3 wasn’t impossible for me… also building a strong aerobic base takes time; the benefits of 1.5 years of serious training were clear. 


My takeaway after running a bunch of marathons close together is that race results hinge on training, conditions, and execution. 

Really every factor is in one of three buckets:

  • Training. Your plan, mileage, paces, aerobic bace, tuneups, injuries, illnesses, nutrition
  • Conditions. The course, field size, weather, travel, support 
  • Execution. Pacing, strategy, tangents, drafting, mental grit, pre-race meals. 

You can only be short on one of these. Short on two (or one going really bad) and you’ll almost certainly blow up. This is most true over the marathon where conditions & execution are relatively more important than a short race. 

For example, in 2019 I was short training and execution. Spring 2022 I was short conditions and execution. Spring 2022 redux, short training and conditions. NYC was just major conditions. Spring 2023 I got all 3 and sub-3-hr was easy. 

I don’t think these are excuses; rather, it actually makes it more clear how to focus, adjust, and improve.