Quickly getting to a first draft is helpful leverage, whether you draft it or someone else helps.

This works in writing, coding, and in other domains. It works because it’s easy to look at a first draft and say “no, I don’t like that, that doesn’t work, let’s fix this” — basically my entire first job in management consulting was to crank out lots of bad-to-mediocre first drafts for others to react to!

So it’s leverage because it’s faster and easier to critique than to create.

But while anyone can say “I do NOT like that” it’s much harder to articulate “I do like that and here’s why — this is Taste.

If you can also articulate what you like and why, you will get a much better second draft, and much better first drafts next time. This works whether you’re delegating or you’re doing the first draft yourself!

This is a reason why I want to figure out my taste. Taste is leverage!