1: Jesse Lastunen - AI for Economists. Example prompts showing how LLMs can benefit economists. Reminds me of this practical talk from Kevin Bryan which at a ripe 8 months old is now relevant in principles but perhaps irrelevant in the details. Economics seems to be adopting faster than other fields; I wonder why?

2: How to Discover Your Own Taste - Ezra Klein Podcast. I’m working towards developing taste this year. Appreciated the re-frame in this podcast that taste is personal, not fixed. Related: Dan Shipper, Henry Oliver, and David Perell on taste.

3: Why Is There So Much Fraud in Academia? - Freakonomics. On the social science replication crisis, in part. Stephen says there’s “much less shady research in economics” compared to other fields. But I’m not sure: landmark papers recently under substantial critique Or debate include inequality, intergenerational mobility, and housing. (I’m extra bummed about the alleged coding errors in Hsieh & Moretti because of my interest in housing)

4: Tax Burden by State: 2022 State and Local Taxes | Tax Foundation. I think the takeaway is you can live where you want, on average; income tax or property tax, pick your poison. Unless you want to live in New York State.

5: Joschua’s Notes and especially Bible Study Kit for Obsidian. Related, are you working on The Garden or the Stream

6: Easy Org Chart. Spreadsheet data to editable Google Slides in one click! I built and published this Google Workspace add-on. Coding was the easy part compared to navigating details of OAuth and App review? See projects.

7: Skiff. Private, mostly open-source mail, calendar, drive, and docs. Also Sovereign Computing | Start9.

8: Bring Back the Sabbath. Another focus for me this year.

9: On the Marble Cliffs. 5 stars, recommending, but I’m not smart enough to explain why so also this review.

10: Impact of Mobile Phone Screen Exposure on Adolescents’ Cognitive Health - PMC. “It is estimated that adolescents spend approximately 4hr per day engaged in leisure-time sedentary screen-based behavior (SSBB).

11: $190K per month from bootstrapped AI dating assistant. Build something people want!

12: Tim Ferriss: How I Write Podcast . To build a habit, do less than you think you can. There’s a glut of mediocrity; don’t contribute to that.

13: Working with me

14: OpenAI new embedding models and API updates Costs going down yet again. When local LLMs will be useful? Free isn’t really cheaper than ~$0 — I don’t stop to pick up pennies on the sidewalk…

15: How To Legally Own Another Person | by Nassim Nicholas Taleb | INCERTO. Linked without much background. I wonder how reception of ideas like this will change as work shifts over the next couple decades.

16: Poem/1: AI rhyming clock by Matt Webb — Kickstarter. LLMs unlock simple ideas that used to be impractical.

Disclaimer: Something something sharing a link is a recommendation but not necessarily an endorsement or a sign of agreement something something.