Projects index; or, proof that I can code a little.

  1. The Economic Benefit of the Freedom of the Seas

    What would happen to global trade and GDP if ships couldn’t sail through certain key parts of the ocean? Published an article based off this project in a peer reviewed journal with Kerem Cosar (January 2021)

  2. Box Office Oligopoly

    Web scraping of box office data to look at change in top-10 revenue share over time (May 2022)

  3. Advent of Code 2022

    My solutions for Eric Wastl’s Advent of Code (December 2022)

  4. 3D Game of Life

    An implementation of Conway’s GoL wrapped around a cube (January 2023)

  5. BibleProject Podcast Chatbot

    Chatbot using OpenAI’s GPT & Pinecone’s vector database to answer questions about a favorite podcast (March 2023)

  6. Roblox Game - First team to 1B

    A simple game to see which team can press the buttons a billion times first, using a unique Global team score. Did you know Roblox has almost 70M DAU? (April 2023)

  7. LocalScripts

    Scripts to run LLM prompts locally in Terminal. Helpful for prompting models remotely and for tinkering with new ideas (May 2023)

  8. Patrick Collison’s Bookshelf

    Using a simple python script and the OpenAI API to have GPT-4 sort and categorize the almost 800 books that Collison has (May 2023)

  9. Verse to Video Recommender

    Script that takes in any verse in the Bible and returns a recommended video from the BibleProject library with reasoning. Simple, but good to learn a different way to structure vector embeddings. Included in Local Scripts (June 2023)

  10. Auto PKM

    A series of prompts to generate ideas, draft writing, edit into evergreen notes, and make connections across notes. Personal Knowledge Management on autopilot (July 2023)

  11. PugTech

    PugTech is a product studio and consultancy based in San Francisco, California. We specialize in solving real problems with technology with a special focus on generative AI. We are a small team of experienced engineers, product managers, and operators with extensive data science and (real) math backgrounds (September 2023)

  12. Auto YouTube Shorts

    Experiments in using text-to-speech (TTS) and other tools to combine text, audio, videos, and photos into short-form vertical content (October 2023)

  13. Local Vector DB Manager

    Tinkering with semantic search over a pile of documents by creating vector embeddings and simply loading everything into a big dataframe. Hobbyists don’t need a cloud-based vector database (November 2023)

  14. Advent of Code 2023

    My solutions for Eric Wastl’s Advent of Code (December 2023). What a difference a year makes!

  15. EasyOrgChart

    Quick demo on TikTok. Create an editable org chart on slides with one click! Inspired by all the time I’ve spent maintaining an org chart by hands… Built in Google App Scripts published on the Google Workspace Marketplace as an add-on (December 2023).

  16. Memorize Anything with encouraging AI feedback

    Streamlit app that goes audio to Whisper API to text prompt to GPT-4 API to help you practice memorizing a text (March 2024)